Inside the gifted classroom

How are Gifted Students served at ICSAtlanta?

Elementary Students

Middle School

NOTE: Our school-wide IB model utilizes learning models which mirror those found in gifted classrooms.

 What happens in a Gifted classroom?

Elementary Students

Middle School

Note: Students have more homework and are expected to spend time outside of class practicing concepts and reviewing material.

Gifted Probation

ICSAtlanta has high expectations, both academically and behaviorally, for our gifted students. If a student is not performing as expected, she/he will be placed on gifted probation. During the probation time, the Gifted Coordinator will set up a meeting with the student, the family, and a classroom teacher to review the necessary goals that need to be met (by the student) for her/him to remain in ICSAtlanta's gifted program. If the student is successful in meeting these goals, the probation will be lifted, and the student will remain in the gifted class. If the goals are not met in the defined time period, the student will be removed from the gifted class.

Elementary School

Middle School